One Year Bible for Saturday, February 19th - The Ordination of the Priests - Who Is Family to Jesus- What Makes a Christian Grow?

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Leviticus 7:28-9:6

1. Chapter 7 concludes by saying that the breast and the thigh meat left after the fat was burned up was to be given to the priests. The Lord considered it a sacred offering to the priests. The passage says this is their "rightful share", which was reserved for them when God set them apart as priests. 

How does this relate to paying a pastor or other church leader.  

"In a similar way, God says in the New Testament that those who serve God and His people in spiritual ways have the right to be supported in material ways (1 Corinthians 9:12). This is a right that can and should be set aside when it is to greater advantage to the cause of the gospel to set it aside, yet the right remains. As Paul wrote, so the Lord has commanded that those who preach the gospel should live from the gospel (1 Corinthians 9:14)." (Guzik)

2. Chapter 8 is all about the ordination of the priests. There were several articles of clothing and other adornments which set them apart to offer the sacrifices and come into the Lord's presence. It was also an event where the community came out to celebrate and be a part of the ceremony at the entrance of the tabernace. Many times this is why in liturgical services the service starts in the back of the sanctuary, and the priest/pastor wears a robe and other vestments. Though liturgical services are not commanded anywhere in the New Testament, the meanings of different aspects of the service and how the bible is reflected in many of the rituals can be glorifying to God and edify believers.  

The ordination ceremony lasted 7 days, and at the end of time period this is what the Lord says about the importance of obeying his commands,

"Everything we have done today was commanded by the Lord in order to purify you, making you right with him. 35 Now stay at the entrance of the Tabernacle day and night for seven days, and do everything the Lord requires. If you fail to do this, you will die, for this is what the Lord has commanded.” 36 So Aaron and his sons did everything the Lord had commanded through Moses."

3. In chapter 9 we see that Moses followed all of these instruction to a "tee". 

"Then the whole community came forward and stood before the Lord. 6 And Moses said, “This is what the Lord has commanded you to do so that the glory of the Lord may appear to you.” 9:5-6

Mark 3:31-4:25

1. Jesus spoke about the importance of the family yesterday, when he taught that if a family feuded it would fall apart. So who did Jesus consider his family to be? Of course, he had a father and mother and brothers; but today he clarifies the real definition of family from his perspective. 

His definition? Anyone who does the will of God is my brother, sister, or mother. This is the basis for what we call the family of God. In my tradition, when we baptize a baby it is their entrance into the family of God. When they grow in years and are taught what it means to be a child of God through Jesus, they begin to take on the family resemblance. They begin to look more like Jesus! 

2. Jesus taught many people, in many places, and using many different teaching methods. In today's passage, he taught the crowds, by the seashore, using a parable. Today's parable is one of the most famous Jesus taught. The parable of the farmer scattering seed. Some have also called this the "parable of the soils". Why? Because it is the soil condition, which makes the difference if the seed takes root, grows to maturity, and produces much fruit. 

Jesus will teach using farming analogies many times, as his culture was very much an agrarian society. In this case Jesus explains the meaning of the parable by explaining what the seed represents and what happened to the seed under each soil condition. 

The seed is God's Word, which is the Word about Jesus. As you can see, there are many threats to God's Word taking root and bearing fruit. Sometimes the word has barely hit the ground and the devil snatches it away. I am sure he has many tactics and strategies to do this. Doubt, cynicism, fear, and many other ways he tries to snatch the word out of someone's heart. 

Sometimes people receive the word with joy and excitement and it takes root for a little while, but when the emotion fades, so does God's word. Although emotion is important, it doesn't help when persecution or troubles come.  

Finally, the worries and cares of this word can literally choke out God's word and prevent it from growing. Oftentimes people say they are a Christian but it is clear their relationship with Christ is NOT a priority in their lives.  If you look at their friends, schedule, or checkbook, you can see their faith and relationship with Christ is really not that important. We often call these "lukewarm" Christians. Though they may be saved, they be the ones as scripture says escape with the fire of hell licking at their heels. 

They are the ones who have taken the talents the Lord has given them and hid them in the ground. When they meet their master, they will wish they put to the work the gifts God had given them. 

But the person who receives the Word, which is planted deep in their hearts, is nurtured and fed continually grows to bear fruit many times over. This is the Christian who has accepted Jesus as their Savior, and grown to Christ like maturity by listening to, studying and putting into practice God's Word. Notice the seed doesn't bear fruit right away it takes times.  But Jesus says in John 15, "As you remain in me, I will remain in you and you will bear much fruit.

Which soil conditon are you?  What role does the Word of God have in your life? Do you read it? Study it with yourself and others? Do you listen to God's word preached at church and taught by gifted teachers in other venues? Most importantly are you applying God's Word in your life? Application is the key to fruit bearing. If we hear God's word and don't obey it, it will never do what it was intended to do, bear fruit that lasts! 

Psalm 37:12-29

Proverb 10:5


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