One Year Bible Readings and Commentary for Sunday, February 27th

Click Here to Listen to the Readings

Click Here to Read Leviticus 20:22-22:16

1. In chapter 21, we turn to the ceremonial regulations for the priests. A priest is a "go between" God and man. As we have seen over the last several chapters, most high priest could go into the most holy place. only one time a year to make atonement for the people's sins. 

"The priests came from a particular family of the tribe of Levi – the family of Aaron, the brother of Moses. The priests had a special responsibility to represent God before the people and the people before God. Therefore, they had a special call to holiness and ritualistic purity." (Guzik)

2. The other major role for the priests was to make sure the sacrifices offered by the people were handled properly. This reminds us of how the quality of an offering we make to God is as important as the quantity. In the New Testament, Paul teaches the Corinthians not to give out of compulsion or obligation. God doesn't need our gifts, but he values the motives with which we give. God loves a cheerful giver. Those who are the spiritual leaders over congregations need to make sure they steward the gifts of God's people wisely, as they are holy to the God given sacredly by those who give with pure hearts. 

Mark 9:1-29

1. Though Jesus had 12 disciples, he also had an inner circle of three disciples, Peter, James and John. These three get a glimpse of Jesus in glorified fashion. Jesus took the three to a mountaintop, as he was "transfigured" before their eyes. Most likely they saw Jesus as he would be after the resurrection. The disciples also heard His Father's commendation, "This is my Son, who is well pleased, listen to him.

One can only imagination how this image was seared in the minds of the disciples, especially after Jesus had risen from the dead. We often have mountaintop experiences today. Though we may not have seen what Peter, James and John saw, we can have moments when Jesus shows us who he really is in vivid and emotional ways. When we meet Jesus in these moments, we have a strong sense of the unconditional love of Christ. These experiences change our lives, because after we encounter Jesus in this way, we can never be the same. 

2. Jesus heals a man's demon possessed boy, who had been subject to seizures since he was a young boy, as a result of the demon's influence. The boy's father brought him to Jesus and asked Jesus to heal him. He asked Jesus somewhat hesistantly, "Please heal him IF YOU CAN!" Jesus challenged the man's belief. If he had really believed, he would have not posed the question in this way. 

But then we have one of the more important statements in the bible from the father, "I believe help my unbelief". I think all of us can relate to this statement and probably made it at some time in our life.  The Good News is Jesus honored the man's honesty and healed his son. 

Though the man's faith wasn't perfect, he believed enough to take his son to Jesus. This is all the faith he needed. 

Psalm 43:1-5

Proverbs 10:18


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