One Year Bible, Monday, February 7th - The Israelites Build the Tabernacle

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Exodus 26:1-27:21

Today we see the detailed instructions for the building of the tabernacle. where God would dwell by His Spirit. Notice the attention to detail, reminding us that God is a God of order and not of disorder. Although our bodies are now a tabernacle of the Holy Spirit as Christ dwells in us, it doesn't mean we can't build houses of worship that reflect God's glory. The great cathedrals and churches in Europe show the attention to detail given to the glory of God. 

I always wince when I drive by a church which is rundown and not kept up. When there are weeds and an uncut lawn, it makes me think the people in this church don't care about the house of God. Though we worship God and not the building, our buildings should reflect the greatness of our God and should be cared for and maintained to his glory.  

A few other notes on these two chapters:

The unity and diversity of the tabernacle 

"The coupling of these two great curtains together, to make one tabernacle, might signify that the saints both in heaven and earth to make but one Church.” (Trapp)

According to its pattern which you were shown on the mountain.

"God works the same way in leaders today. He gives them a vision of what His work should be, and the leader passes it on to others who will do much of the actual work. Moses could not have remained silent about what God had shown him, or the work would never have gotten done." (Guzik)

The veil shall be a divider for you between the holy place and the Most Holy!

"This veil was a barrier, and no priest could go beyond the veil into the Most Holy place except the high priest. He could only enter once a year, and that on the Day of Atonement. Spiritually speaking, in dying for our sins Jesus with His own blood He entered the Most Holy Place once for all, having obtained eternal redemption (Hebrews 9:12). In the temple, this veil was torn from top to bottom at the death of Jesus (Matthew 27:51), showing that through His death, there is no longer a barrier to the Most Holy place." (Guzik)

You shall make an altar

"The idea behind the Hebrew word for altar is essentially, “killing-place.” It was a place of death and sacrifice, where atonement for sin was made and consecration unto God was marked." (Guzik)

The courtyard of the temple

"The entire tabernacle was a tent – a moveable structure. God wanted Israel to know He was with them wherever they went. It wasn’t a case of “You come to Me,” but the idea was “I have come to You (Guzik)

"The court of the tabernacle or the temple is an important theme throughout the rest of the Old Testament. This is mainly because the temple itself was inaccessible except to a few priests. All others in Israel met God in the court. We can say by application that God also invites us to come into His courts to praise Him." (Guzik)

Matthew 25:1-30
These parables continue to teach us about what the kingdom of heaven is like. I.e. What is life like after we die and how can we be a part of it. 

Parable of the Bridesmaids

1. Oil in scripture often was a symbol for the Holy Spirit, and also anointing for the leaders of Israel.  

2. The five bridesmaids who went out and got extra oil were prepared if the bridegroom was delayed. 

3. The other five bought no extra oil and therefore were in a bad spot if the bridegroom was delayed. 

4. The bridegroom came at a time that was unexpected. Those who had prepared were ready to meet him. Those who didn't take the thought or care to be ready, were shut out of the mariage feast. 

The temptation of all people is to live for today. Eat, drink and merry because you only have one life to live. Yes, we only have one life to live in the body, yet our souls are immortal. If you are a Christian, the question is are you ready for Christ to return. You can be ready by doing the things he called us to do. 

Parable of the Three Servants

1.  A master gave each of his three servants differing amounts of money to invest, five bags of silver, two bags of silver, and one bag of silver, each according to their abilities. 

2. The first two servants doubled their money, whereas the servant with one bag of silver hid the money and it earned nothing with it. 

3. After a long time, the master returned. He heartily congratulated the two servants who had doubled his money, and told them that he would give them much more money to invest in the future. They had earned his trust, so he could entrust more to them. 

4. Finally, the servant who did nothing with his money came into his master's presence. His excuse was that he knew his master was a tough boss and he didn't want to risk losing anything he was given. The master did not buy his excuse and, in fact, he was furious with the servant. 

5. He took this servant's money and gave it to the servant who had doubled his five bags of silver. 

6. This servant was thrown out of the house where there was weeping and gnashing of teeth. 

God has given us all different abilities and resources to grow his kingdom here on earth through the church. I won't be responsible for what you have been given, and you won't be responsible for what I have been given. But each of us will give an account before the Lord of what we did with what he gave us. 

I don't know about you, but I want to be like the first servant who was commended by the words, "Well done good and faithful servant", not like the last servant, "You wicked and laxy servant." 

If the Lord came back today, which servant would you be like in this story? If you have hidden your talents for whatever reason, there is still time to start using it for God's glory. Jesus has not returned yet. But don't blow it off until it is too late, start today.  

Psalm 31:1-8

Proverbs 8:1-11


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