One Year Bible, Thursday, February 10th - Judas Betrays Jesus for 30 Pieces of Silver

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Exodus 30:11-31:18

1. Incense was made with fragrant spices, ground into a fine powder, and then mixed with salt. "Incense is a picture of prayer, in the sweetness of its smell and the way it ascends to heaven (golden bowls of incense, which are the prayers of the saints, according to Revelation 5:8). The ministry at the altar of incense speaks of how God’s people should continually come to Him in prayer."

When I was in seminary, I used to go to the chapel above the library for a daily prayer service, which was led by a Greek orthodox priest, Father Sam. He went through the Orthodox prayers and burned incense in a censer and swung in it front of the small prayer altar. The sweet smell and smoke rose as our prayers rose to the Lord. The smell of the incense stayed with me all day as was a reminder of our prayers together.

2. The anointing oil was used to anoint the priests and set them apart as God's servants. Oil was a symbol of the Holy Spirit. It is the Holy Spirit who makes us holy and sets us apart to the Lord and for the work of ministry. We can't make ourselves holy, but God can and does make us holy. The oil was not to be used in any other way, but only to prepare the priests for their sacred duty. To use it for anytihng else would be to cheapen it. 

3. God choose two men, Bezalel and Oholiab, and gifted them to be craftsmen for the tabernacle. God gave them the ability to make all the instruments that they had been instructed by the Lord to make for the tabernacle. It reminds us that when God asks to do something, he equips us to do it. God has given each of us gifts to accomplish his Great Commission to make disciples of all nations. 

Matthew 26:47-68

1. Judas finally closes the deal, as Jesus is arrested by men armed with clubs and swords. It is interesting that Jesus never once used any violence in his ministry, but for some reason the religious leaders thought he would be giving them a fight. But quite the contrary after Judas betrays Jesus with a kiss, Jesus says, "“My friend, go ahead and do what you have come for.”

2. Peter cuts off the high priest's slave's ear. Though Jesus gently rebukes Peter for doing this, you have to give him high marks for wanting to protect his master. But Jesus reminds him that his kingdom is not of this world. If he wanted to he could have sent down a legion of angels to protect himself. But as it is, everything is happening according to the way the scriptures had predicted.

3. As the high priest interrrogates Jesus, Jesus admits he is the Messiah, the Son of God. Jesus says, "You have said it. And in the future you will see the Son of Man seated in the place of power at God’s right hand and coming on the clouds of heaven.” 

Having heard this, the high priest now has something to charge Jesus with, blasphemy. Jesus, a mere human, claimed to be God. Jesus died claiming to be the Son of God. Either he was or he wasn't. But let's not make any mistake that he considered himself a "good, moral teacher".  

Peter drew his sword to face the mob and once again Jesus rebukes him. Sometimes it is difficult to know when to act and when to keep still. Ask God for wisdom and help in recognizing the difference.

Psalm 32:1-11

Proverbs 8:27-32


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