One Year Bible Readings and Commentary for Saturday, March 12th.

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Numbers 16:41-18:32

Israel Complains Again

Something quite amazing happens today. The people complain and blame Moses and Aaron again for the deaths of the disobedient Levites and their families. This was the same mistake these families made before. So the Lord told Moses he was going to destroy all of the community. Moses and Aaron fell face down before the Lord, and Moses instructed Aaron to get fire in the incense burner and go out and purify the people. Some people were saved, but another 14,700 people died. Another reminder that the Lord took sin seriously, especially against the leaders he had appointed. But it also shows us that when Moses and Aaron interceded for the people before the Lord and provided the correct atonement for their sins, they were saved. Fortunately, we don't have to be purified with a censer every time we sin against the Lord.

The Budding of Aaron’s Staff

You might ask where is God's mercy in all of this. God instructed Moses to get a staff from each of the leaders of the 12 tribes. Aaron's staff would reprensent the Levites. The next morning when they came back to the tabernacle, Aaron's staff had sprouted, budded, and produced fresh almonds. The Lord commanded Aaron to put this staff in front of the Ark of the Covenant as a reminder to the Israelites to not complain against the leader God had anointed for them. The people thought they were doomed and remembered to never go near the tabernacle flippantly again. 

Duties of Priests and Levites

By now it is clear that God took those who came near to him in an unauthorized way would face severe consequences. So the Lord reiterated to Aaron the stipulations and distinctions between the role of the priests and Levites. The priests were responsible for all of the sacred offerings before the Ark of the Covenant. The Levites were to maintain the Tabernacle and that was it. This would be a command for all generations of Israelites. 

Support for the Priests and Levites

It was clear the priests and Levites had much more responsibility and accountablity for the management and regulations of the temple. When the people had given their firstfruit offerings, these leaders were given these to live on. The firstborn of both humans and animals were given to them as well. For their part, they were also to tithe on the tithes they were given, as their own sacrifice. But in terms of their own grain offering, they could eat it. 

So you see the principle of the "tithe" embedded into the worship life of the Israelites. God provided them with everything they needed. By the offering of the tithe, they were acknowledging everything they had been given came from the Lord. They were simply returning part of what he had given them. Though the tithe is not commanded in the New Testament, the principles still apply. Tithing is always a good place to start as a Christian. Some can give more, some less, but the principle is to give God your very best. God knows our hearts and accepts sacrificial gifts as pleasing to him. 

We remember in the gospels Jesus commendation of the widow, who gave a small offering but represented a huge sacrifice for her. Whereas, the Pharisees gave money looking for recognition for those who saw them giving. Jesus said they had received their reward in full. 

Mark 16:1-20

The Resurrection

We come to the last and most important chapter of the gospel of Mark. Notice the women were to first to show up at Sunrise on the day after the Sabbath, which we know as Sunday. Their only question is who was going to roll away the massive stone blocking the tomb. But much to their amazement the tomb was rolled away. The first sign that something supernatural had happened. 

Then, they went into the tomb wondering what they might find. Much to their amazment, they saw two things they didn't expect. An angel who told them to not be afraid. They told them Jesus had risen from the dead, and he would appear to the disciples in Galilee, where they started their ministry together. 

The women were in shock. They were frightened, confused and left in a fog. Then, we have two different endings in Mark's gospel, which different manuscripts support. The shorter ending has the women telling Peter and the others, and then they go and spread the message all over the world.

The longer ending has a lot more details, which are similar to the other gospels including:

1. Mary Magdalene, whom Jesus had cast out 7 demons, was the first to see Jesus' risen from the dead. She went to the disciples to tell them the Good News, but they didn't believe her. 

2. He appeared to two disciples, who were walking in the country, which we know from Luke is the Road to Emmaus. (Luke 24) They rushed back to tell the others but they didn't believe either.

3. Later Jesus himself appeared to the disciples and rebuked them for their lack of faith. But he still commissioned them and told them to go out into the world to preach the Good News.Whoever believed AND was baptized would be saved. 

Notice the importance of baptism in salvation. Though baptism doesn't save us it is a visible means for showing our belief. It is the outward sign of an inward reality.  Belief in a person's heart is something we can't see, but the water of baptism represents cleansing from sin. 

4. Jesus told them that they would do the same things he did in the power of the Holy Spirit. And we see what these would works would look like after Pentecost. 

These include but were not limited to: speaking in tongues, casting out demons, handling dangerous snakes , warding off poisonous drinks, and placing their hands on the sick for healing. 

Bottom line: through faith in Jesus, the disciples were filled with the same power that raised Jesus from the dead. 

After Jesus finished, he was taken up into heaven and sat down at the right hand of the Father, the seat of power and authority. We say this in the Apostle's Creed and as you can see it comes straight from the scriptures. 

As for whether the shorter ending or the longer ending is the right one, I don't think it really matters. Everything that is reported in the other gospels confirms all of these things happening through the disciples!

"What Now" Study Questions:

God raised His Son from the dead; He is still in the stone removal business. No matter how great the obstacle God is able to move it! What obstacles litter your path today?

Moses intercedes for the people in spite of opposition, how can you pray for your enemies?

Psalm 55

Read Proverbs 11:7


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