One Year Bible Readings and Commentary for Monday, March 7th

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Numbers 8:1-9:14

The Special Ministry of the Levites

As we said yesterday, the Levites assisted the priests in the management of the temple. The Levites were seen as the first born of the Israelites given to God. They were given in exchange for the first born sons God saved from the angel of death in the 10th plague in Egypt. They were not only set apart for God but were also a gift to Aaron and the priests.  God knew they needed help in the administration of all the regulations in the tabernacle. 

In the same way, there are many people in the church who do similar things at the Levites did. We have people of altar guild, who help prepare all the elements necessary for Holy Communion. We have ushers, greeters and communion assistants to help during the worship services. Some people watch over the property of the church, and others serve on the Church Council to make sure the church is run properly. They help with various other problems and conflicts that occur in the church. All of these people help the pastors to focus on preaching and teaching God's Word, and spend time with people for support, encouragement and healing prayer. 

The Second Passover

Israel celebrated its first Passover when it was leaving Egypt. Now one year later, during the first month of the Jewish year, the Lord commanded them to keep the 2nd Passover. Passover would be an annual reminder of God's deliverance of Israel from the Egyptians. This is similar to the Lord's Supper, or Holy Communion, where we remember Jesus' death on the cross for us with bread and wine. 

The tabernacle was moved according to the Lord's direction and leading. When the cloud moved during the day, they moved. The cloud was a representation of the glory of God. At night they were led by a pillar of fire.  The cloud protected them from the sun during the day, and the fire lit the way in the darkness at night. Whenever the cloud stopped, they would set up the tabernacle and their tents.

In a similar way we need to be let by the Lord. In Colossians 3:15 it says, "Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts". One of the ways God leads us is by giving us his peace.  "This means to let the presence of God’s peace be an umpire or a judge in our heart and life." Guzik 

Read Mark 13:14-37

The Sign of His Coming and the End of the Age

This passage speaks of an abomination of desolation, which was prophesied in Daniel 11. 

Essentially, the abomination of desolation speaks of the ultimate desecration of a Jewish temple, an idolatrous image in the holy place itself, which will inevitably result in the judgment of God. It is the abomination that brings desolation. Guzik

Many think this is when the Anti-Christ rules in the temple, which is spoken of in the book of Revelation. In A.D. 70 the temple was destroyed by the Romans. This happened after the book of Mark was written, so some people think what Jesus is saying is referring to that. But it seems pretty clear that this is a reference to the end times before Jesus returns. 

Also, in verses 26-27 it says that everyone will see Jesus coming on the clouds. Everyone meaning both believers and unbelievers. And then he will gather his elect from the four corners of the earth and also in heaven (those believers who have died already). 

Finally, Jesus says that no one knows when that day is, not even His Father in heaven. Of course, this is Jesus speaking as a human being. One would think now that Jesus has ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God, He would know the time and date of his final return. Though we don't know the day or the hour, we should be ready at any time. 

"What Now" Study Questions

Jesus said that even He did not know the time of the end, His warnings about returning should encourage us to be vigilant! In what ways could you live better with the end in mind?

Give praise for those times that God has provided a refuge for you on your journey!

Psalm 50

Proverbs 10:29-30


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