One Year Bible Readings and Commentary for Monday, March 21st

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Read Numbers 32:1-33:39

The tribes of Reuben and Gad make an unusual request of Moses. They ask him to have the land they just conquered, which was east of Jordan River before Canaan. They wanted to play it safe. In some ways you could say that they did this as a lack of faith, as God had promised this land to the Israelites.  Moses was concerned that if they were given this land and didn't have to risk fighting the nations, the other tribesmen might be discouraged and ask for the same thing. 

So Moses made a deal with them, if they would fight with the other Israelites, they could leave their women and children where they were at, and if they kept their promise they could come back and settle east of the Jordan. The leaders of the tribes made the pledge and said they would do what Moses asked them to do. 

Chapter 33 reviews the exodus from Egypt and previews the conquest of Canaan. 

God had a unique role for the nation of Israel in regard to the people of Canaan. He used them as a unique instrument of judgment against the Canaanites. - Guzik

 If Israel failed to drive the Canaanites out of the land, they could still occupy the Promised Land – but the corrupt practices and heart of the Canaanites would find a place among Israel, and Israel itself would eventually be driven out of the land - Guzik

This became true of Israel’s history. They did not fully drive out the Canaanites, and though they possessed the land, the corruption of the Canaanites continued among Israel until eventually God allowed Israel to be driven out of the land in exile. -Guzik 

Read Luke 4:31-5:11

As Jesus was teaching in the synagogue in Galilee, the people were amazed at his word and the authority with which he taught them. Once a man possessed with an evil spirit came into the synagogue during a service. The demon recognized the authority of Jesus. Obviously demons were strategically in the synagogues trying to destroy the faith of the Jews, and prevent them from believing in Jesus. The demon had to obey Jesus' order to come out of the man, because Jesus' authority and power way exceeded his. He had no choice but to obey. 

I would imagine the devil would try to employ the same strategy today trying to weasel his way into the church. The devil's main purpose is to prevent people from coming to faith in Jesus. If someone is already a Christian his purpose is destroy their faith. He knows that he will be judged forever and thrown into a lake of fire when Jesus returns, and he wants to take as many people with him as possible. 

Jesus used his authority to heal many other people. He went to Peter's home and healed his mother in law from a deadly fever. This show Peter was married by the way. Many others brought sick and demon possessed people to him, and Jesus healed them all using this same authority and power. The people did not want Jesus to leave their town, but Jesus told them he had other towns he needed to preach the Good News to as well. 

In chapter 5, we see Jesus calling his first disciples, who were fishermen. When he met them they had been fishing all night and had caught nothing. They were probably tired and a little grumpy. Jesus asks them to throw their nets out again, but this time a little deeper from the shore. Peter says, "Okay Jesus, if you say so we will do it." 

Remember these men were professional fishermen and they had no reason to believe Jesus knew the fishing business better than them. But in an act of faith led by Peter, they threw their nets back in the water. Sure enough they caught so many fish, their nets were about to tear apart. 

This experience had an immense effect on Peter. When he saw this miracle. he realized Jesus was truly the Son of God. He fell down before Jesus, admitting that he was a sinful man and did not deserve to be in Jesus' presence. James and John, the sons of Zebedee, were similarly amazed and dropped their nets to follow Jesus as well.

Jesus gives them their new purpose by telling them, "From now on you will fish for people." Jesus too what they did for a living and gave them a much bigger purpose. They would now be reaching people for Christ through whom they would be saved by sin, death and the power of the devil.  

Jesus doesn't necessarily call all of us to leave our jobs to become full time ministers. Often we can fish for people in the places we work and the communities we live in, while keeping our source providing for our families and giving to the church and other worthy missions. The main point is that whatever you pursue in your life, Jesus has given you the ultimate purpose of sharing the Good News with others so that may come to believe in Jesus, and by believing have life in His name. 

Psalm 64

Proverbs 11:22


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