One Year Bible Readings and Commentary for Thursday, March 16th

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Read Numbers 26

This was the second census the Lord commanded Moses to take of the twelve tribes of Israel counting the number of men who were age 20 and older, who were able to fight. They had taken their first census 38 years ago when they were camped near Mount Sinai. The purpose to organize and count the number of men who could go into battle as the Israelites prepared to enter Canaan. 

38 years before Israel was organized enough; they just did not have enough faith to take the Promised Land. Organization is good, and the work of God can suffer from a lack of it; but the best organization can never replace bold trust in God. - Guzik

The total number of men was 601,730, only down 1,820 from the first census. The number of fighting men had stayed virtually the same. 

Read Luke 2:36--52

Anna was another person who was waiting for the consolation of Israel. She was widowed early in her life, and spent night and day in the temple praying. She was also a prophet.  Her faithfulness in prayer enabled her to hear from God and then announce these words to the people. 

"Anna was a remarkable woman. As a widow she knew pain and loss but had not become bitter. As an elderly woman she had not lost hope. Perhaps it was because she was a woman of worship and a woman of prayer." - Guzik

We also learn more details about Jesus' childhood. He grew up healthy and strong. He grew both physically and spiritually being filled with wisdom even at a young age. After Joseph and Mary were obedient to the requirements of the Law, they returned to their hometown of Nazareth. 

The next stage in Jesus' life we learn about is when Jesus is a teenager. Joseph and Mary went to Jerusalem for the Passover festival, and they left thinking Jesus was with them. Apparently families traveled in large groups, and so they thought Jesus was with someone else. But at night when they couldn't find him, they went back to Jerusalem to look for him. 

When they found him, he was sitting around with the rabbis asking questions, listening to their answers, and it sounds like he had a few answers of his own. What was obvious is that he was very gifted and blessed with wisdom beyond his years. 

When mom and dad finally caught up with their teenage son, they were understandably upset with him. But Jesus came them a very curious reply. He said, "Why were you looking for me, didn't you know I would be in my Father's house." 

Undoubtedly Mary reflected on all of the things the angel had told her and the prophecies of Simeon and Anna. Still they didn't understand what he meant when he said this.  The text then says Jesus went home with Mary and Joseph and was obedient to them. This clarified that staying behind in the temple was not an act of disobedience or rebellion. Jesus was truly in his Father in heaven's house. 

As Jesus grew both physically and spiritually, he gained the favor of all those around him. 

Psalm 60

Proverbs 11:15


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