Mark 2 - Jesus Heals, Forgives, Eats With Sinners, and Shows How Important Is!

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Jesus Forgives and Heals a Paralyzed Man

There are a lot of different variables at work when Jesus heals. They all reveal different aspects of God's kingdom coming on earth as it is in heaven through Him. In this case because of the crowds four men lowered their paralyzed friend into Jesus' presence through a hole cut in the roof. Jesus heals the man because of THEIR faith. Now this could certainly include the man himself, but Jesus sees the extent to which his friends went to bring him into his presence. They would not have gone to all that trouble unless they had faith. 

In what ways do you exhibit unusual faith like this? What are some crazy things you have done in faith for yourself or others?

Also, Jesus connects physical healing with the forgiveness of sins. While physical healing is important to all of us, at the end of the day 100% of all us die. All physical healing is temporary, whereas spiritual healing through the forgiveness of sins is eternal healing. The Pharisees get very angry because in saying this Jesus is clearly asserting his divine nature. 

Jesus Calls Levi and Eats With Sinners

One of the things Jesus consistently demonstrates is that he is not afraid to hang out with sinners. The worse the better. One can only imagine Levi's surprise when Jesus invited himself over for dinner. I like to invite myself over to other's houses for dinner too. LOL

It appears other various types of sinners were also present with there. I would have loved to heard the conversation around the table. Once again the Pharisees were offended. They did their best to avoid sinners at all times. After all they were holy, and these sinners were not. When Jesus overheard their muttering he said, "It is the sick who need a doctor. I didn't come to call super religious types but all varieties of sinners". 

Do you think people in the church hang out with "sinners" enough? What type of people might be considered "sinners" today ? Why is it easier to be around those in the church than those in the world? Do you intentionally put yourself in places to rub shoulders with non-religious types?

Jesus Questioned About Fasting

Fasting was an important spiritual discipline in the Jewish faith. We know Jesus was a big fan of fasting and fasted for 40 days in the desert before beginning his public ministry. When the Pharisees question him as to why he is not encouraging his disciples to fast more, he answers them vaguely saying, 

“No one sews a patch of unshrunk cloth on an old garment. Otherwise, the new piece will pull away from the old, making the tear worse. 22 And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.”

Most agree that Jesus is referring the old wineskin of the Mosaic Law. The new wineskin is the gospel of Jesus. The old wineskin was the Ten Commandments and the sacrificial system of the temple. The new wineskin is Jesus' body broken for us, and his blood poured out for us. Jesus fulfilled the Law, so to try and go back to obeying all of the Law is like pouring wine into a broken wineskin. It is a waste of effort and a waste of wine.

Are you still trying to measure up to God by being a good person? Or, have you tasted the new wine of the covenant by trusting in Jesus by faith? 

Jesus Is Lord of the Sabbath

At the heart of Jewish piety was the observance of the Sabbath from sundown on Friday until sundown Saturday. It still is today in the Jewish community. In a lot of ways Christians could learn from the high value Jews place on observing the Sabbath. Sabbath does not have to be on a specific day, but it is an essential part of our rhythm in life with Jesus. 

Most people rest from their work, but we are called to work from our rest. Spending a day each week in Sabbath frees us from an overeliance on our ability to work, and also the workaholism that many people suffer from today. 

Jesus says, "The Sabbath is made for man not man made for the Sabbath". The Pharisees couldn't see the "forest through the trees". They got so caught up in their legalistic use and abuse of the Sabbath laws, they became only a burden to bear not an avenue to freedom. 

We are in dire need of Sabbath practice today as Christians.  Many pastors and Christian leaders suffer burnout or fall into moral failure due to workaholism and failing to take care of themselves, their marriages, and their families. It is almost a badge of honor for a pastor to work 60 or 70 hours a week "working for the Lord". Is this really working for the Lord, or another form of Pharisaic legalism? 

Neglect of the Sabbath is usually due to thinking we are too important to take any time off. After all how is my church, business, or organization going to function without me? Taking a daily, weekly, quarterly, and annual time for Sabbath is essential for being spiritually, emotionally, and physically healthy.  We cannot give what we don't have. If our work is all about us, we are not giving anyone Jesus? If we are not spending time abiding and rest in Him, we will not bear the spiritual fruit we are called to produce. This is the only fruit in our lives that will last that which flows out of our organic relationship with him. 

Are you spending time in Sabbath each day or each week? You don't have to be legalistic about it, just stop working!  Do you ever spend time in silence and solitude doing nothing? You will find when you turn off the noise and stop overfunctioning, God will do a work in your soul! You will be renewed from the inside out, which will affect every role you play and every relationship you treasure!  


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