Mark 6 - Jesus Goes To His Hometown Where is Rejected, Feeds the 5,000 and Walks on Water

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A Prophet Without Honor

We learn in this passage Jesus had at least four brothers and more than one sister. Since Joseph is not mentioned at all after the birth narratives, we can probably assume he died some time in Jesus' childhood. Since we know that Jesus was the oldest, it helps explain why he might have had to work at a young age as a carpenter. The word "carpenter" in Jesus' day didn't mean he only worked with wood. The word is "tekton" in the Greek, which meant he probably worked with stone as well because stone was a much more common building material. 

This gives new meaning to when Jesus said to Peter, "You are the rock on which I will build my church!" 

Because of his humble upbringing, the people in his hometown could not accept him as a rabbi. Even though they were amazed at his teaching and miracles, they were still "offended" by him, Jesus could only "marvel" at their unbelief. 

We never read that Jesus marveled at art or architecture or even the wonders of creation. He never marveled at human ingenuity or invention. He didn’t marvel at the piety of the Jewish people or the military dominance of the Roman Empire. But Jesus did marvel at faith – when it was present in an unexpected place, and when it was absent where it should have been. - Guzik

Would Jesus marvel at your belief or unbelief? 

Jesus Sends Out the Twelve

We start to see a crucial shift in Jesus' ministry. Jesus begins to go from doing the ministry to equipping the disciples to do what he had been doing. He sent them out in two's not alone. Importantly he gave them power over impure spirits. They did not have any authority of their own to confront the powers of darkness, but Jesus did as he had already shown them. Mark's gospel focuses more on the power Jesus had over the spirits of darkness than the other gospels sometimes giving it the name of "the power gospel". 

When he sent them out on their own he gave them little provision, except for a staff and some sandals. This would cause them to rely on the hospitality of strangers. It made them dependent on him for their daily bread. The simple instructions were to preach that people should "repent". "Repent" means to turn around. They also cast out demons and anointed sick people with oil and healed them. 

If Mark talks so much about casting out demons, do you think the church should teach and practice this more today? Would the demons have any less reason to want to attack Christians today then back in Jesus' day? Anointing someone with oil is something we do in our church as we pray for people. There is nothing magical about the oil, but it is a sign of power and presence of the Holy Spirit and commanded in scripture. 

John the Baptist is Beheaded

When King Herod heard about Jesus' many miracles, it gave him nightmares about John the Baptist who he had recently beheaded had come back to life. Herod had an illegitimate wife, Herodias. Herodias was Herod's sister in law, who hated John because he had called out the two of them for their unlawful marriage. Herod put John in prison to appease Herodias. But she wanted more. She wanted him dead. Herod actually secreted liked John and enjoyed listening to him. 

Herod imprisoned John for his bold rebuke of his sin. At the same time, Herod did not want to kill John out of fear of the multitudes – and because he knew that John was a just and holy man. - Guzik

The opportune time came for Herodias to unravel her sinister plan.  This came to pass at a banquet Herod threw, where Herodias' daughter danced for the crowd. Herod was so pleased with her that he promised to give her whatever she wanted. This played right into her mother's hand. When the time came for her to ask the king whatever she wanted she said, "I want the head of John the Baptist on a platter."

Herod, fearing the embarrasment of not following through on his oath in front of the big crowd, sent an executioner to do the dirty deed.  Because Herod was afraid to cross his wife or lose face before his friends, he did something he knew to be wrong.

The depth of distress experienced by Herod at Salome’s request for the head of John the Baptist is expressed graphically by the Greek word perilypos, ‘greatly distressed’. This is the same word used to describe Jesus’ agony in Gethsemane (Mark 14:34).” (Wessell)

Do you bow to the pressure of the crowds instead of standing up for a righteous man?

Jesus Feeds the Five Thousand

After the disciples get back from their mission, they are tired. Jesus takes them by boat to a private place so they could rest and eat. But they did not escape unnoticed, and the multitudes were soon upon them. They also had not yet eaten, so they were hungry. You can almost hear the disciples saying, "Can't we get a break?

When Jesus saw the multitudes, he could not help but have compassion on them. They were hungry for what he could offer, but they had no one to give it to them. So while he wanted to give his disciples a break, he couldn't overlook the needs of these people. 

So when he asked his disciples about it they basically told him that it was late and all the stores were closed. Couldn't he just send them away? But I imagine Jesus saying with a somewhat rebuking tone of voice, "You give them something to eat!" At this point the disciples are hungry, disappointed, and rationally speaking how are they going to feed all these people. This time Jesus had taken it too far. 

But Jesus persisted. He had them sit in groups of hundreds and fifties. He took the five loaves of bread gave thanks to His Father, broke them, and had the disciples distribute to the people. He did the same with the two fish.  And the end of the day all ate and were satisfied and there were even leftovers. 

It really seems too extravagant. Why feed the multitude until they were filled and can’t eat any more? Why not just give them a little meal? Wouldn’t that be enough? No. Jesus had people He loved over for dinner, and there will always be more than enough food. That’s how much Jesus loved them and loves us. - Guzik

Do you have a "scarcity" mentality, or an "abundance" mentality when it comes to God? If God is so abundant in the way he gives to us, how can be more like him not just giving the minimum but practicing a "radical generosity" to those all around us.

Jesus Walks on the Water

But wait the excitement is not over.  Jesus sends the disciples out in a boat, while he went on the mountain to pray. Jesus not only wanted to give the disciples the rest they need, He also needed the some rest and time with His Father in prayer. 

 A long, difficult day spent ministering to the spiritual and physical needs of the multitude left Jesus exhausted. But that hard day drove Jesus to prayer, not from prayer. - Guzik

Later that night, the wind kicked up and the disciples were furiously trying to row straight into the wind. Jesus decided to pay them a visit, so he walked on the water out to see them. When the disciples saw him they were terrified thinking he was a ghost. He comforted them, got in the boat, and the wind died down. You would think the disciples were getting used to these kind of miracles. After all, they had just fed 5,000 on a few loaves and fish, but apparently they still weren't getting it yet. 

 “Mark does not give the incident of Peter’s walking on the water and beginning to sink. Perhaps Peter was not fond of telling that story.” (Robertson)

There was no rest for the weary for as soon after they landed on the other side of the lake the multitudes were ready for them. Soon everyone was bringing their sick to Jesus running with them on mats and placing them in the middle of the marketplace. The supernatural power emanating from Jesus so powerful that even those who touched his cloak were healed. 

With this description of the healing ministry of Jesus, Mark concludes a brief section where we see the power of Jesus over the laws of nature. Normally, five thousand are not fed by one small lunch. Normally, men don’t walk on water. Normally, the sick are not instantly healed. None of this is normal, except by the power of God. - Guzik


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