Mark 9 - The Mount of Transfiguration, Jesus Casts Out Yet Another Demon, Jesus Warns About Causing Others to Stumble

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The Transfiguration

As Jesus journeys to the cross, he reveals more of his glory to three of his inner circle of disciples, Peter, James, and John. He knew they would be the leaders of the church and wanted to give them more confidence he was truly the Messiah. God reveals things to us at different times and in different ways to remind us He in charge, and He will provide for us. Notice Peter is so blown away, he wants to build a tabernacle around Jesus and the prophets Moses and Elijah, but as soon as he asks this Jesus appears again in human form. As in his baptism, the Father commends Jesus as His Son, whom He loves. Jesus gave them this experience only, and He told them to not discuss it until He had risen from the dead.

When Peter saw Jesus in His glory, he must have said to himself: “This is good. This is how it should be. Forget this business about suffering, being rejected, and crucified. Let’s build some tabernacles so we can live this way with the glorified Jesus all the time. - Guzik

Jesus Heals a Boy Possessed by an Impure Spirit

Jesus again heals a person possessed by a demon, once again showing why Mark's gospel has been called, "the power gospel". Remember Jesus gave his apostles and us the same kind of power and authority over evil spirits, so we can do the same thing. The man explained his son's lifelong battle with seizures and asked Jesus "if he could", could he heal him? Jesus was amazed he said the words, "If he could". Jesus had already shown he could do all things, especially to those who had faith in him. 

In this incident the demon shrieked, when he came out of the boy, showing us again that demons are real and have personalities. Jesus ordered the demon never to come back showing that demons do sometimes come back to afflict the same person. The disciples tried to exorcise the demon, but they could not. Jesus offered an explanation, "This kind can only come out through prayer!

Prayer is the key to operating in His power. It shows a dependence on God and the Holy Spirit. Prayer is the answer to almost all of our problems, and the key to successful ministry in bringing in the kingdom, which is God's rule or reign, on earth as it is in heaven. 

Jesus Predicts His Death a Second Time

To be clear about where he is going, Jesus informed the disciples the plan for him to go to the cross and be raised again in three days. But, they still didn't get it. Instead they were arguing about who was the greatest in the kingdom. They were still thinking about worldly things and again completely missed why Jesus had come and his purpose in saving the disciples and the whole world. Given what they were talking about Jesus had to remind them once again that the greatest among them was the one who served! He took a child in his hand to illustrate once again that the kingdom belongs those with childlike faith and added that those who welcome the children in His name honor the Father. 

He took a little child and set him in the midst of them: Jesus drew their attention to His nature by presenting a child as an example. In that day, children were regarded more as property than individuals. It was understood that they were to be seen and not heard. Jesus said that the way we receive people regarded like children shows how we would receive Him (whoever receives one of these little children in My name receives Me). - Guzik

Whoever Is Not Against Us Is for Us

The disciples are worried that another person was driving out demons in Jesus' name. Jesus reminds them that if anyone drives out a demon or welcomes a little child in His name are to be commended not rebuked. It shows that we never know how God kingdom will come and through whom it will come. We need to be careful to prematurely judge what is of God and what is not. 

Some Christians think nothing of drawing young, weak Christians into their own little squabbles and divisions. They themselves emerge without much damage, but the little ones they brought with them into the squabble often end up shipwrecked. - Guzik

Causing to Stumble

Jesus is VERY serious about the issue of causing someone to stumble, especially "the little ones". This could also mean newer believers. More mature believers need to be examples to the flock, especially pastors and other key leaders. i.e. elders. Jesus is so serious he says, "If your hands causes you to sin cut it off". Obviously he is not teaching "mutilation", but he is teaching anything that causes you to sin needs to be dealt with immdiately. 

Tragically, some have taken these words of Jesus in a sense He did not intend and have cut off their hands or have mutilated themselves in some other way in a mistaken battle against sin. The problem with taking Jesus’ words literally here is that bodily mutilation does not go far enough in controlling sin. Sin is more a matter of the heart than of any particular limb or organ, and if I cut off my right hand, my left is still ready to sin. If I completely dismember my body, I can still sin in my mind and in my heart. - Guzik

Is there sin in your life you need to "cut out". Obvously this is important to Jesus so it needs to be a part of our discipleship with him. I have found that the most effective way to do this is to have other people we are accountable to for the things we struggle with. Do you have a person like this in your life? They are invaluable to your effectiveness for God! 


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