Matthew 24 - Jesus Teaches on the End Times and His Second Coming

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The Destruction of the Temple and Signs of the End Times

This chapter is one of the few times that Jesus describes what will happen in "the end times". There is a sense in which he is referring to two differnt times, with the second one in regard to His return. Soon after he leaves when know from history the temple will be destroyed in A.D. 70. 

When Jesus describes the temple being "thrown down", this will be the end times for the disciples. Why?  Because they believed Jesus would restore the temple and bring it the glory it had when it was built ten centuries ago by King Solomon. In their minds the destruction of the temple was also linked to the end of the age. As we intepret today's verses, we need to keep one eye on the immediate historical context, and one eye on the end times. When he references Daniel, he is referring to the prophet Daniel's prophecies regarding the end times. These will referred to in Revelation as well. 

 After the destruction of Solomon’s temple, this temple was originally built by Zerubbabel and Ezra (Ezra 6:15). Herod the Great (who ruled when Jesus was born) greatly expanded and improved it. This temple was the center of Jewish life for almost a thousand years – so much so, that it was customary to swear by the temple (Matthew 23:16), and speaking against the temple could be considered blasphemy (Acts 6:13). - Guzik

Jesus also teaches them that there will be many false prophets that will try to deceive them in the days ahead. They will predict Jesus' coming, but they will all be wrong. Here is one truth for us to consider regarding the end times. Everyone up to our time today who has predicted a specific date have one thing in common... 

THEY HAVE ALL BEEN WRONG! Here is one example from the 19th century.  There are many others as well. 

One notable example of this was the prophetic expectation in 1844 with William Miller in the United States. Because of his prophetic interpretations, calculations, and publications, there were hundreds of thousands in the United States who were convinced that Jesus would return in 1844. When He did not, there was great disappointment, with some falling away, and some cultic groups spawned from the prophetic fervor. - Guzik

Jesus describes the persecution the disciples will face in the days ahead. They will even die for their faith, which we see does happen to them and many disciples throughout the 1st century. 

Jesus foretells of what he calls, "the abomination that causes desolation." What is it? Many have tried to understand it. Most likely it refers to the destruction of the temple in A.D. 70, though it may have some other application in our day. This is also spoken of in Daniel 11:31. 

When you see the “abomination of desolation”: Essentially, the abomination of desolation speaks of the ultimate desecration of a Jewish temple, the establishment of an idolatrous image in the holy place itself, which will inevitably result in the judgment of God. It is the abomination that brings desolation.- Guzik

In verse 30 it seems as though Matthew now switches to teaching about the end times which we are anticipating today.  How might we conclude this? Because he talks about his return and how he will come on the clouds with great glory. For some it will cause joy and others remorse. He sends angels and collect believers (which he calls "the elect"). 

Then, he says something else that seems confusing. If this is the true end times which has not happened, why does he say, "This generation will not pass away until this happens." One explanation is that he is referring to only the destruction of the temple in A.D. 70. This is probably the best interpretation. 

The apostle Paul also describes the end times in terms of desecration of the temple of God in his time, approximately 55 A.D. in 2 Thessalonians 2:3-4, "That day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God."  

So you can see how the first part of this refers to the destruction of the temple in Jesus' time, and the second refers to the events of the end times in ours or a coming generation. How do we know? The next part of the chapers gives us more evidence. 

The Day and Hour Unknown

As Jesus describes the end times, he makes it clear that no one knows the date not even him. I think Jesus' not knowing describes him as a human on earth. Now that he is at the right hand of Father, I believe he knows when that day or hour will come. 

For me this passage teaches us something VERY IMPORTANT. None of us know when Jesus will return. As I mentioned earlier there are many people who have predicted an EXACT DATE I.e. Based on for instance various a calculation from Daniel's "1290 days" in Daniel 12:11

While Jesus certainly teaches to be aware of the things that will be happening in our day that will be signs of His second coming, no one knows when that day will come. So why should we speculate? I think it is somewhat arrogant to think one can calculate an exact date for His second coming. Again, everyone up to this point in history who has tried to do this have been wrong, often to their own embarrassment and them and their followers. 

The only thing Jesus does teach us to do in preparation for his coming is to BE READY for he will come like a thief in the night. I have been robbed twice in my life and both times I had no idea it was going to happen. Once in broad daylight when my car was in the driveway unlocked. If I had know I certainly would have locked the door. 

So here is what I have concluded for my own life. Jesus is either going to return in our lifetime and the only thing we can do is to be ready. What does it mean to be ready? To be doing the things he taught us to do, primarliy living in the power and availability of the kingdom and doing the things he would be doing if he were us. 

Specifically the most important mission he gave his disciples was to build up His church by making disciples who make other disciples. Not the Church is not the new Temple. This is why we call it the "body of Christ". This should be the single mission and purpose for every church and also in our own lives.  To be ready is grow as Jesus' disciple and also begin to make disciples of others God brings into our lives. Many Christians never disciple another Christian. They feel unqualified. The only thing that qualifies you to make disciples is to be a disciple yourself.  

Finally, if Jesus doesn't return in our lifetime in effect he returns for each one of us when we die. 

So in either scenario, whether he returns in our lifetime, or we die first, our mission is the same. We can speculate all we want about the evil things happening in our lifetime and say, "Surely this must be the end times". And it may be. We don't know.  We can either spend our time on our computers and watching the news trying to calculating the exact date of Jesus' return. Or, we can be out on the mission field partnering with Jesus and His church to reach as many people for Christ as we can BEFORE he returns. 

Here is the most important question you can think about, pray about and answer today. If Jesus were to return today would you be ready? There is a sense in which we will never be perfectly ready, but is your life mission and focus growing as his disciple and making other disciples? If not, I encourage to do so. After all you can never be too ready for his return! 



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