1 Corinthians 13 - What is True Love?

 Click Here to Read or Listen to 1 Corinthians 13

The is Paul's famous "love" chapter. All or part of this chapter is read at most of the weddings I preside at. While it is not specifically written for a wedding, the principles Paul gives in this chapter, if applied in a marriage, will make for a great marriage. Paul uses chapter 13 to transition from chapter 12, where Paul was teaching on spiritual gifts. 

Paul points out two of the more extraordinary gifts "speaking in tongues" and "prophesying", but warns that if they are not exercised in love, they are only a noisy gong or clanging symbol.  Paul also applies this to mountain moving faith, and someone who gives all they have to the poor. 

While there is certainly nothing wrong with these things, if they are not done out of a motivation of love, they not of much use. Why? For God our motivation is of utmost importance. If our motivation is to bring attention to ourselves, or if we think we are a superior Christian because of the things we do, these acts are really in vain. 

Then, Paul gives us the best explanation of love in the bible. Though love is in some sense a feeling, it is expressed through action. Love is patient and kind. Of course we can look at the opposites and say love is not "inpatient" or "rude".  

The ancient preacher John Chrysostom said this is the word used of the man who is wronged, and who easily has the power to avenge himself, but will not do it out of mercy and patience. Do you avenge yourself as soon as you have the opportunity? - 

Love is kind: When we have and show God’s love, it will be seen in simple acts of kindness. A wonderful measure of kindness is to see how children receive us. Children won’t receive from or respond to unkind people.

Paul then goes on to describe what love is not. 

Eight things love is not: not envious, not proud, not arrogant, not rude, not cliquish, not touchy, not suspicious, not happy with evil.

Then Paul gives an incredible promise when he says, "Love never fails!" We might say, "Wait a minute I see love failing all of the time. Just look at the divorce rate!" But I would ask if it was love that failed, or the people expressing it. The word Paul uses here for love is "agape ". It is the same love that Jesus showed us when he laid down his life for us. It is a sacrificial love, content with merely giving of itself without an expectation of return. It is this love that never fails. 

This kind of love never fails because it is God's love. All the attributes of love in this passage describe how God loves us. God is patient and kind with us. He perseveres with us even when we fall into sin or fail to trust his promises. Through Jesus' death on the cross, God keeps no record of wrongs. God hates evil but rejoices with the truth! 

In verses 9 through 12, Paul describes how a person moves through childhood into adulthood. An adult puts their childish ways behind. As someone practices this kind of love in everyday life, they mature into a person who moves from "here I am" to "there you are". They move from being self-centered to others-centered. They move from their old, sinful nature to their new nature as a child of God filled with the Holy Spirit. 

A twelve year old can exhibit this kind of love, whereas a 50 year old can act like a child. Maturing as an adult is very analogous to maturing as a Christian. A Christian is someone who desires to become more like Christ in the way love each other. Since Jesus is the perfect example of this kind of love to become more Christ-like is to learn to love like Jesus did. 

Faith, hope and love. The greatest of these is love. 

Where do you need to grow as a believer to exhibit more and more of the "agape" love that Paul describes here? Is there a person you know who needs to receive this type of love in their lives? Some people may have never experienced this kind of love coming through another human being! We can preach the gospel about of Jesus, but if we don't exhibit this love in connection with our message, we are likely to be a noisy gong or clanging cymbal as well.   


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