1 Corinthians 5 - Why Sexual Immorality in the Church Needs to Be Dealt With!

Click Here to Read or Listen to 1 Corinthians 5 

Dealing With a Case of Incest

As we said yesterday carnality and immorality had crept into the church from the culture. In today's passage, a case of incest happened between a man and his father's wife. One would assume this was the man's stepmother. Somehow the Corinthian church was not at all fazed by this and somehow even proud of it. Paul had thought this man would have been separated from the community immediately. 

Though Paul is not there physically, his spiritual presence is part of their fellowship. He commands them to immediately remove this man from the church. The purpose of this is for the man's ultimate salvation. This gives credence to the doctrine of "once saved always saved". The goal of church discipline, which includes separation from the community is for the person to repent and restored to the church. 

Again, he brings up their pride and boasting about how they were handling this man's sinful behavior.

Again, the Corinthian Christians were proud and pleased to ignore this man’s notorious sin! They thought it showed the whole world how “loving” they were. But you don’t show “love” to a body by being kind to a cancer! - Guzik

Paul categorizes this sin and pride as leaven that works through the whole batch of dough. At the Passover time all leaven was removed, as leaven was a symbol of sin and evil. Jesus, the Passover Lamb, was sacrificed for our sin so that we might live with sincerity and truth. Though as a community of faith we are full of grace toward those who have fallen, we are also full of truth. When sin of this magnitude comes into the church it needs to be dealt with swiftly and immediately. Again, the goal to restore this person after they have repented. 

Finally, Paul clarifies what he said in his last letter about not associating with sexually immoral people. He was not talking about people in the world. He was referring to people in the church. If they were not to associate with the sexually immoral people in the world, they would have to leave the world. They could not be the salt and light of the world. But those who are saved are held to a higher standard. This kind of sexual immorality cannot be tolerated in the church. 

Again, most all people struggle with some aspect of sexual sin. It is not as if every person who struggles with this sin, for instance with lust, should be kicked out of the church. But this case is obviously an extreme behavior which needed to be dealt with. Sexual sin is still prevalent in the church today and rampant the world. The key thing is that someone is willing to repent from this sin. Living in a continual state of sexual sin is not okay for a Christian, though they are saved by grace and faith, one day we will give account for our lives.

Do you think sexual sin is dealt with appropriately in the church? What areas in your own life are you tempted with sexual immorality? It is helpful to have a person you trust to be a person of accountability, where you can share these temptations and pray for each other!  


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