2 Corinthians 1 - The Power of Comforting Others With the Same Comfort God Has Given You!

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Although this letter is listed as 2 Corinthians, it is really the 4th letter Paul has written to the Corinthians. He addresses many of the same issues as in 1 Corinthians like unity, repentance from sexual immorality, and the issue of his apostleship. 2 Corinthians reveals some of Paul's personal issues. Paul humbly talks about his "thorn in the flesh", which he can't get rid of.  This letter is extremely applicable for us today, as we live authentic lives with each other, avoid quarrels and divisions, and reconcile with each other out of love for Christ. 

Praise to the God of All Comfort

As we know Paul suffered quite a bit, so Paul begins his letter talking about the comfort we receive from Christ as we go through suffering. Importantly Paul reminds them that as Christ comforts them in their suffering, they can be a comfort to others who are going through painful trials. Paul says that this comfort helps us to patiently endure our trials. 

Paul describes the trouble he experienced in Asia, which were so bad they despaired even of life itself. They felt like they had received a death sentence, which made them even more dependent on God's mercy. Most likely this came from severe persecution. 

We don’t know the exact nature of this trouble. It was probably some type of persecution or a physical affliction made worse by Paul’s missionary work. There are at least five suggestions for this trouble: Fighting with “wild beasts” in Ephesus (1 Corinthians 15:32). Suffering 39 stripes after being brought before a Jewish court (2 Corinthians 11:24). The riot at Ephesus (Acts 19:23-41). A particular persecution shortly before Paul left for Troas (Acts 20:19 and 1 Corinthians 16:9). A recurring physical malady.

Paul’s Change of Plans

With all of the perils Paul and his associates faced in their travels, it makes sense that they would have a few changes of plans. But some of the Corinthians chided Paul by saying he says one thing and does another. He is fickle with his plans. As a comeback he states that his plans were not a "yes" and a "no". He related this to the message of Jesus, which was not "yes" and "no", but always a "yes". Just like all of the promises that God made regarding the Jesus the Messiah came true and were all "yes", they could trust his word.  

Paul preached a Jesus who is completely reliable and worthy of trust. It wasn’t right for the apostle of such a faithful Savior to be so quickly considered unreliable and untrustworthy.

Here is an excellent verse to memorize, 

 Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, 22 set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come. 

Paul stresses that is it God who keeps us strong in Christ. He has set us apart. We are his, the sheep of his pasture. He has given us the Holy Spirit as a deposit guaranteeing our future inheritance. Do you here all the promises in these two verses? Paul wanted to move the Corinthians' focus off of him and on to God. 

The word guarantee is the word for a down payment. We have been given the Holy Spirit as a down payment for the fullness of what God will do. The Holy Spirit is a pledge of greater things to come. As Christians, God has purchased us on the lay-away plan and has given us an impressive down payment. He won’t walk away from the final payment because He has so much invested already. - Guzik

Questions to Consider:

1. Is your "yes" a "yes" and your "no" a "no"? They are both important. The way we keep our promises reflects on our character, especially as we preach that Jesus is God's yes to us. 

2. When you go through hard times, do you rely on the comfort God can give you? How can you give this same comfort God gives you to others when they are going through a difficult season in their lives? 


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