1 Corinthians 2 - "Paul Was Not A Personality Preacher! He Preached Christ, and Christ Crucified!"

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In contrast to the personality preachers in Corinth, Paul said he came in great weakness and trembling, as he shared the Good News of Christ with church there. His only goal was to preach the gospel of Christ clearly. He preached only "Christ, and Christ crucified". I wasn't necessarily a "feel good" message.  He wasn't trying to be "showy" or "cute". He knew that if their faith rested on his showmanship that it would not be in the right place. Like John the Baptist, Paul wanted to decrease so Jesus could increase. In his own personal weakness, the strength of Jesus and the Good News shone more clearly and distinctively. 

With some highly charismatic preachers, the only problem can come when people are focused more on their charisma or charm, than the gospel itself. There is nothing wrong with charisma itself, as true charisma comes from the Holy Spirit, but all preachers need to be aware that it is not about them but about Christ! 

God’s Wisdom Revealed by the Spirit

Paul then speaks of a "message of wisdom". God's wisdom is different than human wisdom, as it can only be understood through the power of the Holy Spirit. If human wisdom could be relied on than Jesus wouldn't have been so misunderstood. Paul then talks about the role and work of the Spirit.  Since the Spirit is the "Spirit of God" it knows things that God alone knows. This is why when we have the Holy Spirit living inside of us we can know God. 

As Paul said in Ephesians, "the Holy Spirit is a down payment of our future inheritance."

The world talks a lot about being "spiritual", but the Holy Spirit is different than the world's version of "spiritual". The Holy Spirit is the one who makes the reality of God knowable in our lives. The Holy Spirit takes the principles of the bible and reveals them to us so that we might know the truth of God's Word in our daily lives. 

Sometimes we wonder why people in the world seem so blind to what we believe as Christians, and specifically who Jesus was and what he did for all humankind. I can't understand why it makes so much sense to me and so little sense to others. The only conclusion is that the Holy Spirit enabled me to come to faith in Jesus as my Savior. I can't claim any wisdom on my own, but only wisdom that was given to me.

In what ways are you relying on the wisdom of the world versus the wisdom from God in the power of the Holy Spirit? How can you spend more time be aware of the Spirit's presence in your life teaching you more about God and His Word for your life?  


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