Matthew 11 - Why is Following Jesus Easy?

What is Happening in Matthew 11?

John the Baptist comes back on the scene to check to see if Jesus was the Messiah that he had announced when he baptized him. John had been put in prison for rebuking King Herod because of his immoral ways. Jesus confirms with John's disciples that his works show who he is. Then Jesus makes ann interesting statement, "Whoever is least in the kingdom of God is greater than John the Baptist!" We will look at what he meant by that. 

Also, denounces the Jewish people for rejecting him and his miracles, and says it will be more bearable for Tyre and Sidon (two pagan nations) than for them. Jesus doesn't mince his words. Finally, Jesus makes a statement in the last 3 verses (28-30), which would be good for all of us to memorize. He will teach us that following Him is easy and His burden is light. I know this is counter-intuitive. 

Jesus and John the Baptist

When John announced Jesus to the world he said, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven has drawn near!" His water baptism was one of repentance and preparation for Jesus, who would baptize with the Holy Spirit. John asked his disciples to validate for John if Jesus was truly the One they were waiting for. Jesus instructed them to report to John all the things he was doing like: healing the blind. lame, lepers, deaf, and even the dead were raised! Sounds pretty Messiah-like to me.

Jesus announces that there has never been a greater prophet than John, who came in the Spirit of Elijah. He was not Elijah, but carried on the role of Elijah, especially as it related to announcing Jesus as the Messiah. John was not greater than the Old Testament prophets because he was a better or more faithful prophet, but because of the One he was proclaiming, Jesus Christ. 

So what does it mean that the least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than John? 

John was great, but he lived before Jesus' death and resurrection. Importantly John did not receive the same Holy Spirit the disciples did. 

“As we may say, as a rule, that the darkest day is lighter than the brightest night; so John, though first of his own order, is behind the last of the new or Gospel order. The least in the Gospel stands on higher ground than the greatest under the law.” (Spurgeon)

Just as the people did not accept John as a prophet, they did not except Jesus. They expected Jesus to do a song and dance for them. Their expectation of Jesus was as a glorious ruler who would defeat the Romans. Not a suffering servant who would die without saying a word on the cross. 

The people even criticized the people Jesus for hanging out with the sinners and tax collectors. But those were the people who accepted Jesus as the Messiah and became his followers, like Matthew the author of this gospel. Jesus would say later, "It is not the healthy who need a doctor but the sick!"

Jesus came to save those who had a disease called sin, which would eventually kill them. But the self righteous only wanted to Jesus to fulfill there agenda. They didn't realize their need for a Savior. 

Who are you more like? The tax collectors and the sinners? I.e. Those who want Jesus to bless your plans and make you successful and powerful? Are you willing to take the same kind of criticism that Jesus took by caring for and hanging out with sinners who are condemned by this world? 

Woe on Unrepentant Towns

In a similar line of thinking, Jesus denounces the towns where his fellow Jewish brothers lived because they did not believe in Him or His miracles. Then, he gives a solemn warning.  It will be more bearable for Tyre and Sidon on the judgment day. Not he still says there will be judgment but it won't be the same as for Jesus' own people who rejected him. 

Why does Jesus say that about the cities of Tyre and Sidon?

Because most of His mighty works were done in these cities, they experienced a greater light, which also required a greater accountability. This principle – greater light means greater responsibility – means that the western world has a tremendous accountability before God. The west has had an access to the gospel that no other society has, yet remains in desperate need of repentance. (Guzik)

“Unresponsiveness to the voice of God is the characteristic of this generation, and will be its downfall.” (France)

The Father Revealed in the Son

Jesus now turns to those who did accept Him, as the Son of God. He calls them "little children". This is not a reference to their age, but their childlike faith. This is the kind of faith Jesus repeatedly praise people for.  It was that kind of faith God delighted in because it was all about trust in the One who made the promises. 

We know from the rest of the bible that God has nothing against wisdom and knowledge, but the problem was this knowledge in Jesus' led to pride and self-righteousness, especially among the Jewish leaders. It apparently spilled over into the people too.  This pride led to a rejection of Jesus, who didn't fit their expectations. This ultimately was their downfall. 

Importantly Jesus says, "No one knows the Son except the Father, and no one knows the Father except the Son and those to whom the Son chooses to reveal him."

What Jesus reminds us of here is that faith is a gift of God, which is revealed through Jesus in the power of the Holy Spirit. None of us can take credit for accepting Jesus as our Lord and Savior. We can't take credit for faith. It is a gift. The greatest gift ever given to us. God the Father revealed Jesus, His Son, to us. We did not choose Jesus, He chose us. 

This was very important to Martin Luther as he fought the salvation by works teaching that had crept into the Catholic church. Martin Luther says as a explanation of the Third Article of the Creed regarding the Holy Spirit's role in faith

"I cannot by my own effort or strength come to know Jesus as my Lord, by the Holy Spirit has called me, enlightened me, and sanctified me in the One true faith!"

This is why we can never argue someone into faith in Jesus. We need to share the gospel with people and live our lives as Jesus would if he were us as a witness to the truth. Then, we allow to Holy Spirit to soften their hearts and the Word of the Gospel to be planted, take root, and bear fruit in their hearts. Salvation in our friends or family is God's work not ours. 

Finally, Jesus says words that have come to mean a lot to me over my many years as a believer in Christ. 

"Come to me all you are weary and burdened and I will give you rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden his light." 

We can come to Jesus any time with our burdens and weariness. This is specifically talking about coming to him with the burden of our sin, which he took upon himself on the cross. But by applicaiton also refers to our ongoing life as his disciples.  Jesus describes discipleship as taking on his "easy yoke". Again even following Jesus is about his life working in ours as we allow him to lead our lives.   

This term Jesus used, "easy yoke", was from farming, where the oxen had a yoke they were harnessed with to plow the field. If they yoke was not "well fitting" (easy) it would make the work very uncomfortable for the oxen and even burn them out. Following Jesus is not hard or burdensome. Not following Jesus is what is hard and burdensome. 

When I am following Jesus and living in His Easy Yoke my life goes great! When I try to live in my own power and willfulness life gets very hard! It's counter-intuitive but we can and should say, "Following Jesus is Easy". 

What Do We Need to Consider in Light of Matthew 11?

As you look back on when you came to faith in Jesus, do you see and realize how it was a gift revealed to you? How does this help you in your walk to know that Jesus chose you to be his disciple so you can live a life worthy of your calling and share Him with others? Where do you make following Jesus hard? How can knowing His yoke is easy help you to live out the life Jesus has called you to? 

What's Coming up next in Matthew 12

Jesus will once again take on the Pharisee, who question everything he does. They are threatened by the crowds who are starting to follow Him, so they try to trip him up with matters pertaining to the Old Testament Law. We have already seen where they have misunderstood and falsely taught the Jewish people using the letter of the law not the Spirit of the Law, which Jesus pointed out in His Sermon the Mount "Matthew 5-7) Unfortunately they not only missed the point of the Law, but also missed who Jesus was, the Messiah of the world. 

Hope you enjoy Matthew 11, as we start our third week in reading through the New Testament. If you are behind don't worry. Just read today and get caught up with the chapters you have missed so far when you can! 


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