Matthew 3 - Why Was Jesus Baptized?

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What's Happening in Matthew 3?

John the Baptist was a prophet. In the tradition of the Old Testament prophets, he led an austere lifestyle. Israel had not heard from prophet in a long time, possibly centuries. Prophets were God's mouthpiece to bring the people back to Him. John's message was very important. He said, 

"Repent for the kingdom of heaven has drawn near!" 

The kingdom is a word which means "God's rule or reign". John was saying that time was ripe for God's kingdom to come on earth as it is in heaven. This what we pray in the Lord's prayer. Martin Luther said this about God's kingdom in His Small Catechism, which was meant to be a teaching tool. 

"God kingdom will surely come, but will it come through us?" 

So this was a tremendous opportunity for the Jewish people. The Romans were reigning over Israel and even King Herod was a ruthless tyrant. So John brought a message of hope. But he also offered a challenge. He called on them to "repent". Repentance is often a word that is misunderstood today. It can have a negative connotation, but the word means to "turn around". In this context it meant for the Israelites to turn from their sin toward God, because His Kingdom was arriving in the person of Jesus. 

As a sign of repentance the people were baptized by John. The baptism was with water symbolizing being cleansed from their sin. When the Jewish leaders, the Pharisees and Sadducees, encountered John they saw him as a threat to their leadership. But John didn't not mince words. He called them a "brood of vipers". A bunch of snakes! John told them to "produce fruit in keeping with repentance". 

He was calling on them to repent and to turn from their sin of self righteousness and arrogance. Though God had given them authority, but they were abusing it. God was certainly not pleased with their leadership. They were supposed to be shepherds for God's people. 

Finally, John contrasted this repentance with the repentance Jesus would bring. When he encountered, he humbled himself. He said he was not worthy to untie Jesus' shoes. Importantly though John baptized with water, Jesus would baptize them with the Holy Spirit and with fire. Fire was a sign of cleansing and purification. 

Why was Jesus baptized, if he was sinless?

Some night wonder why did Jesus get baptized if he was sinless? Did he need to repent as well? The answer is "no". In Jesus the kingdom had come in a whole new way. Through Jesus, as we will see, God's kingdom was in full force through his life and ministry. Jesus announced the reason for his baptism when He said, 

"It is proper for me to be baptized in order to fulfill all righteousness!"

Jesus was giving an example to all people that He was baptized just like they needed to be. It was the "right thing to do". Jesus will show throughout His life that being obedient to the Father's will was his number one goal. With this in mind John baptized Jesus and something very amazing happened. 

Heaven was rent asunder and the Holy Spirit came down on Jesus in the form of a dove. A dove represented peace, which is one of the many gifts of the Holy Spirit. Though Jesus had the Holy Spirit when he was born through being divinely conceived, the Holy Spirit coming upon Him was a sign to those watching. It was a sign that Jesus' public ministry was about to begin. Everything Jesus would do would be fueled by the Holy Spirit. 

Finally, we hear the pleasure Jesus' obedience to be baptized brought to the Father. He said the words all of us long to hear from our earthly Father, 

"This is my Son with whim I am well pleased!" 

God the Father was pleased with His Son's obedience. His own baptism was also a witness to all of the people gathered, including the religious leaders, that Jesus' upcoming ministry was blessed by the Father and empowered by the Holy Spirit. 

How might this chapter apply to my life? 

Repentance is an important word for Christians. When we first come to trust in Jesus as our Savior, we are turned from a lifestyle of sin and trying to earn God's love by doing good deeds. But we could never do enough good deeds to meet God's perfect standard of righteousness. We all fall short of God's glory.

As say in our Lutheran confession, "I have sinned against you in thought, word, and deed. By what I have done and by what I have left undone. I have not loved you with my whole heart or my neighbors as myself. For the sake of Your Son, Jesus Christ, forgive me of my sin and cleanse me of all my unrighteousness."  

You might want to use this liturgy of confession in our daily prayers this year. It really has helped me to guide my own confession and written out prayers!

To use language in A.A 12 step meetings., 

"We are powerless over sin and our lives our unmanageable without Jesus' help and salvation". 

So where do you need to repent either of a sinful lifestyle?  

Where do you need to turn from living life on your own terms? 

Jesus told his followers to "deny themselves, pick their cross and follow him." 

Where do you need to pick up your cross? Meaning where to you need to die to your self to serve God? Sometimes obedience can mean forgiving someone or being kind and loving to someone you don't like!

Do you need to hear the Father's words, "You are my Son (or Daughter) and with You I am well pleased!"

Many feel like they have lived a life of sin and only deserve God's condemnation. But in Romans Paul tells us, "There is no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus!" Romans 8:1 

This is a new year. Commit to living your life knowing that God's loves you unconditionally. He proved that by sending his Son and allowing His Son to die for you on the cross!

What is coming up next in chapter 4?

Tomorrow in chapter we will see how the Holy Spirit leads Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted. Will see how Jesus' reliance on God's Word will help him to withstand the devil's temptation!  


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