Daily Bread 2011 - Matthew 19

Daily Bread Together – Monday – Matthew 19
Verse of the Day: 19:4-6 “Haven’t you read,” he replied, “that at the beginning the Creator ‘made them male and female,’ and said, ‘For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh’? So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.”

What Does This Mean?
In this passage we see God’s intention for marriage. It is in the context of the Pharisees who were trying to trip him up again with the intricacies of the Mosaic Law. In this particular Law in Deuteronomy (which is said was added because of their hardness of hearts) there is an exception made for a man to divorce a woman if she is unfaithful to him. They reasoned if he said it was okay they could trip him up for being too permissive, and if he said it was forbidden they could say he wasn’t abiding by the Old Testament Law.

Instead of entering into their flawed logic, Jesus restates God’s intention for marriage. Since God made men and women in God’s image, when they are united it is a sacred bond which reflects the complimentary nature of God’s Creation. When we get married, figuratively and spiritually the two become one flesh. Marriage is a sacrament in the Roman Catholic Church for this reason. While it isn’t a sacrament (because it doesn’t promise the forgiveness of sin, the other two do!) in the Protestant Church, it does not take away from the sacred nature and God’s intent and purpose for it.

What Does This Mean For Us?
This is a dicey issue for us as many in our church today opt for divorce. It is important not to shame those who have been in a divorce for various reasons. Like all other areas where we fall short of God’s preferred will there is forgiveness and grace. There are no unforgiveable sins Jesus died for all of our sin, but we must notice Jesus has strong words for how holy this union is.

The church would do well to offer more to married couples to help them understand how their bond is forged in a union that God creates. Marriage is hard for sure, especially with kids and growing financial pressures, many marriages are strained and in the danger zone. Men and women are different and the church can help us understand although we are equally made and equal in God’s sight, that does not mean we are not identical!

Jesus, for those who are married help us to understand the sacred nature of the bond our marriage brings as we have been united in Your eyes and in Your name. For those who are single, help them to see this an opportunity to serve you in a more unencumbered way. For those whom singleness is a burden help them to find a partner to share life with. For those who choose being single, help them to feel your presence in real ways in moments of loneliness. Amen.


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