Daily Bread 2011 - Matthew 3

Daily Bread Together – Wednesday – Matthew 3
Verse of the Day – Matthew 3:1-2 “In those days John the Baptist came, preaching in the wilderness of Judea 2 and saying, “Repent, for the kingdom of heaven has come near.”

What Does This Mean?
There is in a Jewish tradition history of water baptism which was ritual of cleansing for converts to the Jewish faith. John the Baptist came from a community that had separated itself from the mainstream in preparation for the Messiah and also the end of the world. He comes from the prophetic tradition as evidenced by his clothing and what he ate.

The message he brought was one of repentance. This is an important word for us and many miss its meaning and significance. The word comes from the Greek word “metanoia” and means to have a change of mindset, sort of like our word “paradigm shift”. Importantly for John this mindset was a preparation for God’s kingdom drawing near in the person of Jesus.

One of the means for this kingdom to come to us is through our Baptism, where John says that Jesus will baptize us with the Holy Spirit and fire.

What Does This Mean For Us?
Ordinarily people are put off by the word “repent”. But in actually it is an important word because it prepares us to receive Jesus and be baptized by the Holy Spirit. Being baptized means to be “totally immersed” or completely covered. As we change our way of thinking and believe in the coming King and are baptized in His name, the kingdom of God has come near to us.

How do you feel about God’s kingdom coming through you? Does it excite you? Scare you? What paradigms would you have to let go of in order to prepare yourself for what Jesus might want to do in and through you? As Jesus was baptized the Holy Spirit descended upon and a voice from heaven said, “This is my Son with whom I love and with him I am well pleased.”

Heavenly Father, as you send Your Spirit to us help us to repent of the things that get in the way of Your Kingdom coming through us. We repent of our old ways of thinking that keep us from realizing Your kingdom coming through our lives, in and through Your Holy Spirit, Amen.


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