All Roads DO NOT Lead to God! Matthew 7:13-14

 The Narrow and Wide Gates

These are some of the most challenging verses in the bible.  It is important for us to look at what it means and what it doesn't mean

13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 

Clearly Jesus is saying there is a right and wrong way, and we must be sure to choose the right way. By saying it is a "narrow way" shows it is a more difficult way, and the wide gate and road is an easier way to go. This shows that all destinations are not good.  It dispels the notion we hear quite often, "All roads lead to God!"  

If we are to accept this popular and secular notion, we have to completely disregard Jesus' words here.  Notice the words are not the words of a Old Testament prophet, or a New Testament apostle, but Jesus himself.  If Jesus is the Son of God, He is speaking the very words God. 

14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

In the context of the story the way relates to the type of lifestyle Jesus has just described in the previous two chapters.  I.e. Loving our enemies, blessing those who persecute us.  The immediate context would show the early disciples that following him would not be easy. In fact we know some of his disciples later would give their lives for their testimony about Jesus.  

It reminds us that the Christian life will not be easy, if we live the life Jesus calls us to live.  The life Jesus calls us to live as his disciples is counter cultural.  People might consider us "odd" to love our enemies and be willing to give up things God calls us to give up.  People might wonder why we care so much for the poor and marginalized.  People will be surprised when we state we believe Jesus is He is the Way, the Truth and the Life and no one comes to the Father except through him. John 14:6  

In our culture nothing is regarded as absolutely true.  Everything is relative to the individual's own belief.  If I think something is wrong and you feel the opposite both of us can be right due to the sincerity of our belief. To stand up for ABSOLUTE truth is seen as backwards, naive, and sometimes even racist.  

Finally, in the big picture, the narrow way is to believe in Jesus as Your Savior.  It is the only way to be saved, because Jesus died for our sins and to say I can be saved in some other way like good works means that Christ died for nothign.  Salvation comes by grace and faith alone, not by works.  For a lot people this is a narrow way because the prerequisite is to admit you are a sinner and need a Savior.  This notion goes against pride and a fierce individualism which says, "I did it my way!"  There is even a popular song that states this. LOL 

Importantly notice the last phrase.  The narrow needs to life and the wide way leads to destruction.  Following Jesus as the way, the truth and the life leads not only to abundant life here on earth but eternal life in heaven. Though it is a narrow way, it is the BEST way! 

Where is God calling you to walk in the narrow way?  What makes it a challenge and how might it lead to life as you follow this way? What are the ways others might call you to walk in the broad way?  How can other Christian friends help you to stay on the narrow way?  Do you believe Jesus is the way, the truth and the life?  Why or why not?  

Friends following Jesus as the way, the truth, and the life in my life has proved Jesus' words to be absolutely true.  Though I am not perfect and sometimes give in to following the broad way, I increasingly want to follow the narrow way becasue I know it leads to life.  


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