What Does Authentic Prayer Look Like? Matthew 6:5-8


5 “And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by others. Truly I tell you, they have received their reward in full.

Jesus assumes, like with giving, that his disciples would pray. But as they prayed it would be important that they not pray like the hypocrites. Some commentators have suggested that "synagogues" here means a place of public assembly not necessarily the synagogue for worship. But either way the public prayer here noted is driven by wrong motives.  Whatever they were looking for in terms of public adoration, if they got it, was the sole source of their reward. 

When you think of it, it is kind of an insult to God acting as if we are praying to him only to attract attention.  Definitely an example of using the Lord's name in vain.  

6 But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. 

Jesus gives the disciples another strategy instead. Rather than going outside, they should go inside.  Therefore, the temptation to impress people will diminish greatly especially if one is in private.  Notice the purpose stated in the alternative Jesus gives is to "pray to Your Father who is unseen".  

Though we may not see God when we are praying, He sees us. God is omnipresent so he can be with you when you pray, and with me when I pray even if we are in different parts of the world.  Quite an awesome thing to think about. 

What is the reward?  It is not finacial or a "pat on the back" from others. The reward is being in fellowship and conversation with the God of the universe.  The Creator, who created you and me. The Son who stepped out of heaven to make satisfaction for our sins. And the Holy Spirit who prays in and through us.  We experience every person of the Trinity in a unique way in authentic prayer. 

7 And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words.

"Christians’ prayers are measured by weight, and not by length. Many of the most prevailing prayers have been as short as they were strong.” (Spurgeon)

We all have been around people who talk a lot and really say nothing.  If this is distasteful to us, how do you think God feels about it.  The bottom line at the heart of any meaningful conversation or dialogue is sincerity and a desire to connect with the other person, or in this case God.  

8 Do not be like them, for your Father knows what you need before you ask him.

Praying with more words does not increase the likelihood of our prayers being heard.  Again it is somewhat of an insult to think God can only understand or know what we are praying by the mere number of words we use, or how many times we repeat them. 

It would be as if we were talking to someone and said the same words over and over.  This would assume the person wasn't listening and needed to be reminded of what was just said.  Such is not the case with God.  God desires is to meet and commune with us.  Though he already knows what is on our heart before we pray, He delights in our going to Him to share it with Him. This just as any earthly parent who loves when their child comes to them in seeking to talk to them. 

Would you describe your prayer as more rote or conversational?  

There is nothing wrong with rote prayers if they are not spoken in vain repitition or no meaning.  You can say the Lord's Prayer over and over again seven times and not be guiltly of what this passage is describing.

When you pray does it feel more like a duty or a gift? 

When you pray do you leave feeling closer to God?  

"When you pray"seek Your heavenly Father like you would your best friend who can't wait to hear how you are doing!  This doesn't make our prayers any less reverent, because we are still going to our Father who is in heaven and keeping his name holy. What is unholy is using God's name in vain no matter how many religious words one uses!  

Let's not forget the incredible gift that we can talk to the Creator of the Universe, through the Savior of the Universe, in the power of His Holy Spirit, who lives in us!


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