How Can You Recognize a False Prophet? Matthew 7:15-20

 True and False Prophets

15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 

Jesus gets at something very important, as we think about the subject of false prophets.  False prophets often come disguising themselves as true prophets.  In this case he uses the metaphor of wolves, who were a lot more dangerous in his day than ours.  This is why it is so imporant for you to be a student of God's Word.

The only way you can detect a false prophet is to realize what a true prophet looks like.  A true prophet's words align with God's Word, and specifically about Jesus, who is the Word.  The bible teaches that if anyone does not recognize Jesus as the only Son of God is a false prophet.  

We will see this throughout the first 100 years in the history of the church,  many came teaching and denied that Jesus truly God who had come in human from and really was raised from the dead. 

16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 

Another way to recognize the difference between a false or true prophet is by the fruit that results from applying their teaching. Here are three ways to discern a true prophet. First is their fruit in their own lives? Do they follow what they teach? .  Second what is the content of their teaching and does it match up with the central doctrines of the Christian faith as taken from the bible. And finally, is their evidence from their disciples who follow their teaching? I.e. "Are people growing in Jesus or merely being entertained, and eventually falling away?" (Guzik)

17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit.

Fruit is the product of what is going on inside.  When we abide in Jesus, John 15 teaches we will bear much fruit.  When our lives are rooted in God's word, we will be as Psalm 1 describes, "Like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season. Whatever it does prospers."

Note the process of bearing fruit takes time.  The seed is planted, watered, and cultivated and over time if the seed is good, it will bear fruit prodigously.  If there is no spiritual fruit borne in the life of a Christian, there should be cause for deep concern.  

18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 

In John 15:5 Jesus says, "Apart from me you can do nothing." As it relates to the topic of false teachers, false teaching will never bring forth real, spiritual fruit.  Most false teaching insists that good deeds are the way we earn God's approval.  People may do works to impress others or out of guilt. 

Spiritual fruit comes from the power of the Holy Spirit in our lives and our obedience to His guidance and work.  When we walk by the power of and in obedience to the Holy Spirit, we will bear much fruit.  And Jesus reminds us in John 15:16, "You will bear fruit that lasts!"  Good fruit is the evidence of a true believer and will last on into eternity. 

19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire.

This is language of judgment.  We usually shy away from Jesus or God being a judgmental God.  Given the context of the passage, the tree is a metaphor of a false prophet.  One day those who have spread lies concerning God and the gospel of Jesus will face judgment, which will be everlasting.  This is why calling yourself a prophet or saying, "Thus sayeth the Lord" is a very dangerous thing to do unless it is led by the Spirit and not the flesh. 

20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

Again we see true prophets are seen by the good fruit borne as a product of their ministry .  Some of the indicators of good fruit would be: conversion to Christ, growth in Christ, and ministry and evangelism, which all flow out of abiding in Christ and living in the power of the Holy Spirit?

Who are those who might be false prophets in your life?  I.e. those who lead you away from Christ or diminsh who he is as God.  How would you know the difference between a true and false prophet?  What would YOU look for?  How will being in God's word on a regular basis help you to discern truth from lies?


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