Following Jesus Doesn't Mean You Are Going to Be Staying at the Hilton! - Matthew 8:18-22

The Cost of Following Jesus

As the news of Jesus began to spread, his popularity and fame began to grow exponentially. This would lead people to follow Jesus just because of the signs he was performing. 

18 When Jesus saw the crowd around him, he gave orders to cross to the other side of the lake. 

Unlike some teachers might have reacted, Jesus was not looking for a mass quantity of followers.  He was not at all concerned about his popularity ratings, and in fact avoided the crowds more and more as his mission unfolded.  Following him was much more costly than crossing a lake but it would weed out a few "lookie loos". 

19 Then a teacher of the law came to him and said, “Teacher, I will follow you wherever you go.”

When one of the teachers saw the attention Jesus was getting, he thought he might get into the action.  He was so excited, he told Jesus that he would follow him wherever he went.  He obviously had no real idea of what that would mean. He had no inkling of the role of the cross in the days and months ahead. 

20 Jesus replied, “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head.”

Jesus begins to temper their expectations by letting them know that following him will not be like staying at the "Hilton".  In fact, even the foxes and birds have more security with their homes here on earth than he would.  

This is unlike many evangelical preachers today who preach a "health and wealth" gospel.  This includes promises of riches and prosperity, if one will only "have faith".  The question would be "faith in what?"  Faith in a Jesus who will give you what you want and will make sure to keep you happy.  

21 Another disciple said to him, “Lord, first let me go and bury my father.”

One of the disciples seems to have a legitimate request that he should go and bury his father first before he follows Jesus.  Though we don't know exactly what he meant when he said this, most commentators agree it was not to go and dig a grave for his dad.  Most agree that it was to go and stay with his father who was older and needed care until he died. 

The man thought that following Jesus might be a good idea, but not now.  He did not realize the urgency of Jesus' call.  Many people they say, "I will follow when (you fill in the blank)".  In many cases it is only sentimental wish and never comes to fruition.  Much like when someone says I would really like to lose 20 pounds, but never has a plan or real intention of doing it. 

22 But Jesus told him, “Follow me, and let the dead bury their own dead.”

Jesus sees through the man's excuse and challenges him to follow him and let the dead bury their own dead.  While being there for his father was not a bad thing, just as there are many other commendable causes we can be involved in, there is no more important commitment following Jesus when he calls you.

When did you realize the cost of following Jesus?  What did you have to leave behind to follow him?  Throughout our lives as believers there will be other good things we can do with our lives, but how might those "good things" co-opt Jesus' calling on our lives?  Where is Jesus challenging you to count the cost in your own life and discipleship?


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