What Do You Do When the Storms of Life Come?? Matthew 8:23-27

Jesus Calms the Storm

23 Then he got into the boat and his disciples followed him.

We can assume that after hearing about the cost of following Jesus, the disciples were ready to do that and continue to do so.  So now Jesus has another lesson to teach them. 

"The village of Capernaum was right on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. Jesus, like many Galileans, was familiar with boats and life near this fairly large lake." (Guzik)

24 Suddenly a furious storm came up on the lake, so that the waves swept over the boat. But Jesus was sleeping. 

It was not unlikely for storms to come up quickly and violently on the Sea of Galilee.  And this storm was so furious the waves came up over the boat and started filling up the boat with water.  

Apparently Jesus was taking a nap and sleeping soundly because the furious storm did not wake him up.  Mark adds this detail in 4:38 of his gospel, "Jesus was in the stern, sleeping on a cushion."

25 The disciples went and woke him, saying, “Lord, save us! We’re going to drown!”

Unlike the Jesus, the disciples were terrified.  It is surprising since they were fishermen and had probably seen many a storm in their lifetime. In Mark's gospel the disciples were not only scared but also seem to be impatient with Jesus.  It as if they are remarking, "Do you not even care if we drown."  

On the other hand the fact that they were saying, "Lord save us" showed their faith in Jesus.  Hopefully at some time in your we will confess, "Lord save me, I  am drowning in sin!" 

26 He replied, “You of little faith, why are you so afraid?” Then he got up and rebuked the winds and the waves, and it was completely calm.

Jesus wakes and replies to their urgent inquiry.  There are two ways to interpret the words he says to them.  One, it could be a rebuke for their little faith, which caused them to be afraid.  After all, had they not seen him do many miracles already.  

Luke's version gives emphasis on the words "you of little faith" to mean that though they had faith it had not matured yet.  (Ellicot)

Another way to intepret these verses is that Jesus said these words in a compassionate way understanding their fear, but wanting them to know that he WOULD save them.  In any case it is certainly a teachable moment. 

After addressing their fears, he calms the winds and the waves.  Not only did his word settle the storm, the lake went completely calm.  It would have been a huge change real time.  

27 The men were amazed and asked, “What kind of man is this? Even the winds and the waves obey him!”

Though the disciples had a high regard for Jesus, this miracle took it to a new level. Psalm 89:8-9 attributes this kind of power to God alone, "Who is like you, Lord God Almighty? You, Lord, are mighty, and your faithfulness surrounds you. You rule over the surging sea; when its waves mount up, you still them." 

 "In the span of a few moments, the disciples saw both the complete humanity of Jesus (in His tired sleep) and the fullness of His deity. They saw Jesus for who He is: truly man and truly God."(Guzik)

Where do you need to trust Jesus can calm the wind and waves in your life?  How can knowing who he is as both "God and man" help you to trust in His provision when trials come your way?  Where has Jesus been with you before when the storms  of life came on suddenly?  As you recount his faithfulness give thanks for his love and care for you, and his desire for you to be a person of "great" faith! 


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