Grace is Free but Not Cheap!

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2 Corinthians 6:1-2
As God’s co-workers we urge you not to receive God’s grace in vain.For he says, “In the time of my favor I heard you and in the day of salvation I helped you.” I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.
Grace is a free gift.  It is unmerited favor.  It is undeserved.  Like any gift it has to be received.  But then what do we do once we receive this gift?  Paul says, "We urge you not to receive God's grace in vain?"  What does that mean?
It think it means three things.  First, the primary grace we have received is the free gift of salvation through faith in what Jesus did for on the cross.  As someone has said, "Grace is free it is not cheap!"  Meaning, as we have received God's gift of salvation what are we going to do with it?  We have been set free from the power of sin, death and the power of the devil.  How are we going to use that freedom?  It was reported to Paul that some of the believers in Corinth were dabbling in sexual immorality.  They were returning to the very sin Jesus had set them free from.  Paul says when we use our freedom to return to sin, we are receiving God's grace in vain.
Another way we are given grace is the gift of the Holy Spirit.  As a result of receiving the Holy Spirit, we are each given a spiritual gift.  Like salvation it is a free gift we receive and the question is will we receive our spiritual gift in vain.  In another passage Paul says, "If your gift is teaching, teach.  If it is leading, lead. If it is giving give!"   
Finally, we have received the Good News of Christ freely.  God's free gift of grace is given to us, will we pass along this gift to others. God wants all people to receive his grace in Christ. How are people going to find salvation unless someone shares the message with them? This doesn't mean you need to become a preacher or missionary.  You can share your "grace story" anytime, anywhere.  It is really simple.  It can be summarized as:
1. This is what my life was like before I received God's gift of grace.
2. This is what it was like to receive God's grace and unconditional love.
3. And here is what my life is like now.  
Write it out 2-3 paragraphs and practice it 2-3 times.  Then when the time is right say a quick prayer to the Holy Spirit and share it with those God calls you to.  It is really quite amazing experience to share God's grace with someone who has never heard about it.  Let's not receive God's grace in vain by never sharing it with anybody else.
Have you received God's grace? Will it be in vain?  The grace of God in Christ is the greatest gift we could ever receive.  Let's not keep it to ourselves.  Let's live it out in our lives, exercise our spiritual gifts, and share the Good News of Christ in its fullness expression until Jesus returns! We will never regret it!


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