The Importance of "TODAY"!!!!

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Warning Against Unbelief - Hebrews 3:12-14

12 See to it, brothers and sisters, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. 13 But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness. 14 We have come to share in Christ, if indeed we hold our original conviction firmly to the very end.

The book of Hebrews is written to Jewish Christians who were facing persecution and being tempted to return to their old ways.  Today the writer uses the example of Moses to show how the people rebelled against God and their leader.  Moses was a faithful leader, but the people turned from him and God and did not enter the Promised Land because of it. Then the author points us out that Jesus who is greater than Moses.  Why?  Because Moses was a prophet and Jesus is the only Son of God.

Then, in the verses above, the author warns the new believers against unbelief.  This is not unbelief in the sense of losing saving faith, but losing trust in God with one's life.  It could mean falling back to old sinful ways, or wandering away from the faith altogether.  Regardless it is walking into dangerous territory.  Why?  One reason has to do with what we miss.  And another has to do with what we expose ourselves to.    

First, God has the best way of life.  The author says the "living God".  We serve a living breathing God who wants to have a relationship with us.  When we turn away from him we walk away from the abundant life he wants us to have.  Secondly, the author talks about "sin's deceitfulness".  Sometimes we think, "Well, i will dabble in a sin a little, no big deal."  But each time we walk away from God, no matter how we rationalize it, our heart hardens a little.  Each time it becomes a little easier.  Pretty soon we are far from God and His will. 
Finally, the author gives a prescription for avoiding this kind of slide  He says to encourage each other "daily", as long as it is called "today".  There is no time like the present. We need to care about our brother and sister's faith life. As they start turning away from God, we should encourage them to return.  This is why being in a Christian community/church is so important.  This is why being in a small group is so important, with people who know you and with whom you have real conversations.  We might try to hide behavior from God (though we can't), it is harder to lie to a living person right in front of you.  

As we look at our world today and all the temptations we face, we see the relevance of the passage.  It is easy to get disconnected from God and your church.  We all face so many things that vie for our attention that church can come last.  We all need encouragement, early and often.  We all need to be challenged in our walk with Christ from time to time.  Not in a legalistic way, but out of love for each other.  Occasionally we need to speak the truth in love with a brother and sister and ask the hard questions about what is really going on with them.  

Christianity is not for "lone rangers".  Even Jesus needed 12 friends, and one of them was a traitor.   If needed them, I am sure we need them more.


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