Daily Bread 2010 - Revelation 10
Daily Bread 2010 Since this is the last day of the year, this will end our walk through the New Testament together. For those of you who wish to continue we will start again on Monday, January 3rd in the book of Matthew. We got to Revelation 10 this year (10 chapters short of the whole New Testament), I hope to make it through the entire New Testament next year with God’s help. I hope you have found it profitable to be in God’s Word on a consistent basis. Though I have been through the bible many times each day, each year, each moment it speaks to me through the power of the Holy Spirit in new ways with applications to the current situations of my life personally and professionally. Let me know if you would like to continue on the email distribution list, or would like to be taken off. As always, of course no pressure I realize there are many ways to be fed with God’s Word this is just one of them. May God bless and keep you on this New Year’s Eve and into 2011 as we seek to be...